Hairline correction, or forehead reduction, is a surgical procedure designed to advance the frontal hairline. A well-performed hairline correction can have a profound impact on how your face appears. It can make the forehead look slimmer and more feminine, while giving the facial profile a sense of balance.
There are many different ways that a hairline can be modified, depending on the patient’s specific goals and the surgeon’s expertise. Some techniques may require more work than others, but all options can be effective in addressing the patient’s desired results.

When deciding to have a hairline correction, it’s important for patients to do their research and choose a surgeon with a good track record. In addition to reading reviews and examining photos of a surgeon’s work, it’s also a good idea for patients to understand the principles of proper hairline design so they can ask informed questions during their consultation. For example, some doctors will agree to a patient’s desire for an aggressively low hairline, even though this is not in the best interest of the long-term health of the scalp or the overall appearance of the forehead.
Ideally, a hairline should be located around 6-8 cm from the brows in men and 5-6 cm in women. However, each patient’s hairline is unique and will differ from one another based on their genetics and the type of hair they have. The most common hairline shapes are the bell-shaped (or oval) and the symmetrical triangle.강남헤어라인
Other factors that influence a person’s hairline include the amount of hair they have, the color and texture of their hair, and the shape of their face. In some cases, the hairline can be modified by at-home treatment, such as using a topical application to encourage hair growth. In other cases, a hairline can be altered by using a surgical procedure like hairline lowering or hair transplantation.압구정모발이식
When performing a hairline lowering surgery, the surgeon must carefully plan the placement of each graft to create a natural-looking result. A skilled technician knows how to use a combination of follicular unit transplantation, scalp expansion and creative placement to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing results. The number and spacing of grafts will vary, as will the placement of the follicular units themselves.
Sometimes, the initial hairline will still be too high for the patient to feel comfortable with after a single procedure. In such cases, a surgeon can perform a multi-stage procedure to lower the hairline gradually over time. Patients who have very thin or sparse hair density may be a relative contraindication to a hairline lowering procedure due to the risk of compromising the blood supply to the hair follicles in the frontal scalp.
The most important factor in a successful hairline lowering procedure is the surgeon’s experience with the technique. A skilled surgeon will be able to produce a natural-looking result that will last and improve over time, while maintaining an appropriate level of tension on the incision scar.