Tennis Elbow Treatment
Pain around the outside of the elbow that gets worse when you bend or twist your arm, such as when turning a doorknob or holding something in your hand. You may also notice a weak grip or find that your arm is stiff and tender to touch. This is tennis elbow.
Your elbow is a joint made up of two bones in your upper arm (humerus) and the two bones in your forearm (radius and ulna). 손목치료병원
A series of muscles, ligaments, and tendons hold the joint together and allow movement. The lateral epicondyle is the bony bump at the bottom of your humerus where several of these muscles and tendons begin their course towards your forearm. If you have tennis elbow, your lateral epicondyle is irritated and inflamed. This inflammation causes the pain you feel.
X-rays can help diagnose tennis elbow. Your doctor may also order imaging tests, such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), to check for tendon and muscle damage. They may also order an electromyography (EMG) test to measure nerve and muscle electrical activity and determine whether nerves are compressed at the elbow.
Treatment for tennis elbow depends on how severe your symptoms are and how long you’ve had them. Nonsurgical treatments include rest, physical therapy and steroid injections. Your doctor may recommend wearing a brace that is centered over the back of your forearm to take stress off your tendons and muscles.
테니스엘보 치료 A physical therapist can show you stretching and strengthening exercises for your forearm. They can also use techniques such as ultrasound, ice massage and muscle-stimulating techniques to improve your healing.
Steroid injections can reduce inflammation and ease your symptoms for a few weeks. However, they aren’t very effective for long-term relief.
Your doctor may suggest Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment to increase the number of healing platelets in your blood and speed up the repair process. This involves obtaining a sample of your blood and spinning it in a machine to separate out the platelets, which are then injected into the painful area.
There are a variety of surgical procedures that can be done to treat tennis elbow. These include removing damaged tissue or releasing the tight muscles that are causing pain. These surgeries are often performed on an outpatient basis.
You can make a good recovery from tennis elbow with the right treatment. You may need to rest your arm and avoid activities that aggravate your symptoms for a few weeks. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen can help ease your symptoms.
If you work at a job that requires repetitive movements, talk to your manager about changing your tasks or equipment so that you don’t put too much strain on your elbow. Our team of physical therapists, pain management specialists and orthopaedic surgeons creates personalized recovery plans for each patient based on their unique needs and goals.
We will work with you until your tennis elbow is completely healed and you’re able to return to your normal daily activities.