Dental implants have the ability to dramatically enhance a patient’s smile and boost their confidence in various social settings. However, implant placement requires a stable bone structure to ensure optimal success.매직코어임플란트
MagiCore is an implant designed to minimize the risk of fracture. It is made of titanium qualite 5 and has a morphology similar to that of the bone.
1. Minimal Invasive
We use advanced 3-D scanning and printing to create a surgical guide that is placed inside your mouth during implant placement. This method minimizes your implant surgery time, reduces pain, and protects surrounding structures during the procedure.IBS매직코어임플란트
MagiCore is engineered to produce minimal shearing force into the alveolar bone and to reduce the difference in elasticity between fin threads and the bone. This prevents peri-implant disease and enables rapid bone healing and initial stability that lasts.

This study assessed the topographical properties and biological behavior of a new minimally invasive implant (MagiCore: MC, InnosBioSurg) compared to a gold standard implant (NobelParallel: NB, Nobel Biocare). The results indicated equivalent metabolic activity quantification and membrane integrity evaluation for both tested implants.
2. Minimal Shearing Force
MagiCore’s unique design allows for a more powerful force to be transferred without shearing the implant, preventing bone fractures. Shearing forces are a leading cause of implant failure, especially in compromised bone conditions.
Magi Core’s fin thread is engineered to flex with the same elasticity as the adjacent bone, reducing shear load damage. This engineering principle also reduces the difference of elasticity between fin threads and alveolar bone, which causes implant failure.
The patented knife-thread design also makes it easier to place the implant, with no risk of bone chips or pressure on the bone during placement. This helps avoid declines in initial stability and prevents the inflammatory zone, ensuring healthier periodontal conditions.
3. Minimal Bone Compression
The thin machined neck of MagiCore allows the implant to be placed without lifting a flap, even in situations with minimal bone crestal thickness. This minimizes stress transfer and avoids bone compression to the fine vestibular cortices.
In addition, the Magic Fin Thread features a module of elasticity that is comparable to that of the alveolar bone, reducing the difference in the elasticity of the implant surface and the bone. Consequently, it prevents the desalignement of the prosthesis in cases where there is a significant disparity between the direction of the forces occlusales and the axial axes of the implant during insertion (figures 13 & 14)..
4. Minimal Stress Transfer
The complex implant process can seem intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. By dividing the procedure into manageable and understandable segments, Magic Core implants can be placed with confidence and ease.
Stress transfer in bone-implant systems is important in determining the stability of an implant. A 2D FE model was used to evaluate the stress distribution of different commercial implants. They found that the implant diameter significantly influences the stress distribution in trabecular bone. Furthermore, they found that a tapered implant design distributes stresses more evenly than a cylindrical one.
5. Minimal Resorption
MagiCore implants feature a thinner machined neck that allows them to be placed without lifting a flap, even in patients with thin crestal bone. This reduces peri-implant disease by minimizing the pumping action that occurs with conventional two-piece implants and their interface micro-movement.
The topographical characteristics of the implant surfaces were analyzed with an optical profilometer and a Sessile Drop Test. The biological behavior was assessed regarding human gingival fibroblasts and osteoblast-like cells (MG63). Roughness and wettability values were determined for each surface of the tested implant.
The results showed that there was no significant difference between the manual and mechanized insertion techniques regarding the amount of bone resorption at the mesial and distal surfaces of the implant after three and six months of follow-up. Additionally, no premature cover screw exposure occurred.
6. Minimal Risk of Micro-Fractures
Despite the many causes of implant fracture, biomechanical overload remains one of the most significant factors. This overload is caused by occlusal forces and patient behaviors such as bruxism, clenching, and parafunctional habits.
These occlusal forces are transmitted to the molar and premolar regions which have thinner crestal bone than the anterior region. This results in high flexural stresses which can lead to a fatigue crack.
The MagiCore implant is engineered to distribute stress evenly through its fin threads and the alveolar bone. This engineering principle reduces the difference in elasticity between the fin thread and the alveolar bone.
7. Minimal Cost
Dental implants are not only a solution for missing teeth, they also prevent the subtle shifts in your jaw that can lead to bite issues. These titanium wonders stand as stalwart guardians against the forces that undermine your oral vitality.
The MagiCore implant has a thin machined neck, allowing it to be placed without lifting a flap even for complex anatomical situations with thin crestal bone. Its fin thread provides primary stability and is engineered to match the elasticity of the adjacent bone, reducing bone trauma and micro-fractures.
In addition, the Magic Core implant enables an easy placement protocol for immediate or early loading with minimal stress to the soft tissue. This helps prevent peri-implantitis and accelerates bone healing.