A dermatological procedure is a treatment that aims to heal or improve the appearance of your skin. It can help you feel more confident about your appearance by diminishing fine lines and wrinkles, fading dark spots, or eliminating scarring from acne. It can also treat precancerous growths, rashes, and some skin cancers. Some procedures involve injections of a drug or the use of laser light, while others require surgical techniques like Mohs surgery and skin grafting.
A common dermatological procedure is cryosurgery, which involves freezing skin growths to destroy them. Your doctor will apply liquid nitrogen to the lesion, which causes it to break down through cycles of freezing and thawing tissue. The frozen tissue dies, and normal skin cells replace it, which leaves the area a little red or crusty for one to two weeks as it heals.
Another type of dermatological procedure is topical chemotherapy. This involves the direct application to the skin of a chemotherapeutic agent that can destroy precancerous and cancerous growths. Your doctor will provide you with careful instructions on how to apply the agent at home over a period of time. The resulting rash may be itchy, scaly and crusty, but the rash eventually fades and heals, leaving the treated area with no sign of an infection.
If you are experiencing a rash that won’t go away with over-the-counter treatments, you can schedule an appointment with a dermatologist to diagnose it.신논현역피부과 A dermatologist can recommend a treatment that works for your unique skin needs and provide you with proper care and wound hygiene instructions during healing.
Surgical procedures are performed under local anesthesia to ensure your comfort. During excision, your dermatologist will remove the targeted skin lesion along with a small margin of healthy tissue for testing and cosmetic purposes.강남역피부과 Depending on the size of the removed skin, your dermatologist may then perform a skin graft to repair the area using tissues from nearby skin or from the body’s fatty areas (donor site). Your dermatologist will then apply antibiotic ointment and cover the surgical site with a sterile bandage for protection.

You might need to avoid certain medications before a surgical procedure, particularly blood thinners that can decrease blood flow to the treated area. You should also refrain from smoking, as it can increase your risk for skin discoloration and slow the healing process.
In addition to performing surgical procedures, a dermatologist can also perform cosmetic procedures, including chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and liposuction. A dermatologist can also help with other conditions, such as rosacea and psoriasis. In addition, a dermatologist can prescribe different types of topical medicines and creams to reduce the symptoms of various rashes.